Many of us are familiar with Skype. Without a landline phone in our house, my husband and I try to use Skype as often as we can to keep our cell phone bill down. My office is also using Skype on occasion.
Well now you can use Skype on your cell phone with iSkoot. iSkoot allows you to make and receive Skype calls on your mobile. I’m liking this because the thought of getting rid of my verizon bill seems really nice.
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iSkoot seems very cool. As a Skype geek I was excited to see this. However, I noticed that they don’t support the Blackjack yet. Given that this was listed as the favorite CE of Microsoft’s VP of Marketing (recent Ad Age) you would think it would be compatible – or will be soon (wishful thinking)?
MyToGo for Skype works with ANY Phone and allows ANY phone to use Skype calling services remotely. MytoGo is FREE and allows you to contact Skype named contacts for Free, as well as check your Skype Voice Mail for Free and to use the low costs Skype rates for both local and international dialing from any of your phones. Please use this link for more information about MyToGo for Skype.
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