Habitat For Humanity
I recently completed some pro bono work for Habitat for Humanity. It’s great when you have time to do stuff like this. I really enjoyed helping them out. Above is an image of the newsletter I put together for Habitat. During this project I worked with Amanda Sharrai, an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader in Ohio. Amanda was great to work with.
After sending over the final files to Habitat for Humanity Amanda informed me that they were going to send me something for helping them. I thought that was extremely thoughtful of her. Here I had planned on donating my time to this organization and they were still going to give me something for helping.
While I was completing this pro bono project I was also working on some spec work for a new acquaintance. I’ve always debated about doing spec work. AIGA Cleveland had a great article about it a few months ago. What I did recently though was poor judgement on my part. I spent way to much time and effort on something for nothing. This really got me thinking about how I spend my time. So, I came to these two conclusions.
1. No more spec work!
2. Donating time and talent to non-profits is great and you never know where it may lead you!
I hope to continue to work with Habitat for Humanity. It is a great organization and I’m happy to say that I had an involvement with the organization.
Thanks Amanda for a great experience.
On a side note: I’m on vacation the rest of the week. Happy 4th of July!
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