Blog for Sale
Not mine though. Recently one of the blogs I read on a daily basis was up for sale. I didn’t realize that people actually sell their blogs. It never crossed my mind that someday my blog may be worth something to someone. Personally I would never buy a blog, I don’t think it would be worth the money. The blog that was sold generated an income of $500.00 a month and sold for around $5,000.00. My first question is will the new blog owners be able to continue the same revenue? The sale of ad space is of course influenced by the actual blog posts. Second question would be can the new owners keep up the same pace on the same level of creativity? The original blogger posted anywhere between 5 – 12 posts daily. I knew every time I visited their would be something new to read. This probably influenced her revenue greatly.
At this point I have continued to read the blog but the thought that it is now run by someone else has influenced me to visit the blog less.
Would you care if one of your favorite blogs was sold? Does it matter who writes the material? I think it does.
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It takes a lot of effort to keep up on a blog and keep things fresh and interesting. I would hope that whom ever buys a blog would have a strategy for taking it to the next level, much like a business acquisition. Some of the original flare that generated the blog’s “brand” could be lost, though.