If you’re graduating from college this year or next this is an event you should attend. Here are the details.


American Advertising Federation – Communications Career Day

This annual AAF-Cleveland event is geared towards college juniors and seniors interested in a career in advertising, communications or marketing. Attendees will hear speakers and panels discuss landing that first job out of college, new social media tools and “a day in the life of” (designers, account services, media planners and client-side).

Special Indian’s Keynote Speaker!

Bring your resume/portfolio and have them reviewed and critiqued by professionals.

Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008
Time: 8:30am-3pm
Location: The Terrace Club at Progressive Field
Cost: $40 (includes admittance, lunch, 1-year free membership with AAF-Cleveland, “Survival Guide” containing a listing of available internships)

Register now at http://www.aafcleveland.com/calendar/view_event.php?id=259


or you can email me with questions.

Hope to see you there.