This post isn’t about Twitter however everyday I realize something else Twitter is good for. Today it was good for finding new music, or new music finding me I should say.
I’m a huge fan of Remy Zero and have been for years. The sound of O+S is similar so if you are a fan of Remy Zero I guarantee you will love O+S just as much. Orenda Fink (Azure Ray, Art in Manila) and Scalpelist (aka Cedric Lemoyne of Remy Zero) are the member of O+S.
Their debut album on Saddle Creek Records drops on March 24th. (The day after my birthday in case anyone wants to buy me a belated gift). The album was produced by Michael Patterson who has also produced albums for Beck, Notorious B.I.G. and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. I’m really excited to have found some great new music and can’t wait for the 24th.
Preview music here
Follow O+S on Twitter
Hope you enjoy their music as much as I do.
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