On Saturday morning I ran my first 5k race at the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon. It was tougher than I thought it would be. In the end I was disappointed in my time, 36:50. That’s pretty slow. I try to remind myself that three months ago I probably couldn’t even run to the end of my driveway without taking a break.

I really didn’t know what to expect as I lined up at the beginning of the race. There were so many people it was actually hard to get going. I felt like I lost a good 30 seconds or so just trying to get out of the pack of people. About half way through the race I was trying to keep pace with a little girl running next to me. I thought to myself she seems like someone I could keep pace with. A few minutes later she was gone, I couldn’t keep up.

I have a few more 5ks scheduled this summer and hoping to maybe try a 10k by fall. I think having a MELT PB & Banana sandwich for dinner, drinking three beers and staying out until Midnight the night before the race may have slightly effected my time on Saturday. That was probably a bad idea.

I’ll save the eating and drinking for after the race next time!